Cathlyn Melvin - Chicago Actor
Acting Resume
Production Photos
Eugenie | The Count of Monte Cristo | Lifeline Theatre | Seen here with Chris Daley as Albert
The JesterKing | Peas & Harmony | Compass Creative Dramatics
Young Kate | Hickorydickory | Chicago Dramatists | Seen here with Tyler Ross as Young Jimmy
Linda | Spores of Eden | Two Weeks Productions at RhinoFest
Uncle Henry | The Wizard of Oz | Compass Creative Dramatics
The Ocean | Spirits to Enforce | Youngblood Theatre Company | Seen here with Grace DeWolff and T. Stacy Hicks
Ismene | Antigone | The Framework
Lucy Ferrier | A Study In Scarlet | Promethean Theatre Ensemble | Seen with Dave Skvarla as Jefferson Hope
The Girl | Make Me Love You | The Verge Theatre Company
Viola | Twelfth Night | Two Weeks Productions | Seen here with Taylor Glowac as Malvolio
Helena | Venus: The Capture | Landmark Festival: Prologue Theatre | Seen with Bruce Phillips as Beau
C A T H L Y N M E L V I N @ G M A I L . C O M